Guidelines for PhD Students
Students who write PhD Thesis at UNIFR under the supervision of G. Soldati (other postdoc researchers or lecturers, either local or external, might be involved in the supervision) are required to:
- Participate in the weekly graduate seminar.
- Present regularly papers that are relevant to their work in that seminar.
- Regularly (at least every 4 months) submit a full version of a chapter of their thesis and ask for meetings.
- Participate in the meetings of the EXRE colloquium and present their work in that seminar.
- Participate in seminars, workshops and conferences organized by or in collaboration with the chair.
- Participate in activities of research groups related to the chair.
- Launch and/or participate in formal and informal reading and/or discussion groups with other PhD students.
In general, it is expected that students writing a PhD thesis make an active contribution to the establishment of a research group where people get to know each other not only on a personal, but also on an intellectual level. The main aim is to create a group of people who work together in a collaborative way in order to generate an atmosphere of lively and stimulating philosophical discussion. For this to work, one must be prepared to invest time and energy into the activities of the group, even if the topics we discuss are not directly related to one’s own research. What one can learn from such discussions is crucial both for one’s own research and for one’s general philosophical knowledge and skills.
Current PhD Projects
- Thomas Aeppli: Language, Thought and Grammar. An investigation of Uncartesian linguistics and the Unity of Meaning based on a Reading of Husserl.
- Sharon Casu: Collective Action
Accomplished PhD Thesis and Habilitations
- 2023: Davood Bahjat Fumani: Intention, Intentional Action and Self-Knowledge. A Transparency Account of Self-Knowledge of Intention.
- 2021: Mario Schärli: Weltverhältnis und Weltverlust. Versuch über Skepsis und Metaphysik der Modalität.
- 2020: Elodie Malbois: Availability – Analysis of an Effective Pro-Social Attitude and Application to the Medical Field.
- 2018: Miloud Belkoniene: An Inquiry into the Conditions of Rationality. What Should We Believe in Light of What We Should Expect?
- 2017: Florian Wüstholz: Being Origins. The way we think about ourselves.
- 2017: Patrik, Engisch: Mind and Object. An Essay on Intentionality (rero link)
- 2015: Andrea Giananti: Openness to the World: an Enquiry into the Intentionality of Perception. (rero link)
- 2015: Coralie Dorsaz: Les rôles épistémiques de la perception. PhD Thesis.
- 2014: Marek Dobrzeniecki: The Conflicts of Modernity in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s „Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus”. PhD Thesis. (amazon)
- 2014: Federico, Lauria: The Logic of the Liver. A Deontic View of the Intentionality of Desire. PHD Thesis (unige; co-supervised with Julien Deonna).
- 2014: Kurg, Regina-Nino: Edmund Husserl’s theory of image consciousness, aesthetic consciousness, and art.
- 2009: Davor Bodrozic: Fiktive Gegenstände, fiktionale Rede und Überzeugungszuschreibungen. PhD Thesis.
- 2008: Marek Waverka: Realismus, Antirealismus, detranszendetalisierter Realismus. PhD Thesis.
- 2008: Cédric Chanez: Epistémologie de la vérité dans Code de Procédure Pénale Suisse. PhD Thesis. (co-supervision prof Niggli).
- 2008: Anselmo Aportone: Gestalten der transzendentalen Einheit Einleitung in einige architektonische und strukturelle Bedingungen der Synthesis in der Philosophie Kants. Habilitation.
- 2006: Olivier Jorand. Pour une évaluation des approches connectionistes de la construction des concepts. Habilitation.
- 2005: Jiri Benovsky. Persistence through time, and across possible worlds. PhD Thesis.
- 2002: Arkadiusz Chrudzimski. Intentionalitätstheorie beim frühen Brentano. Habilitation.